This low-floor shuttle bus has it all – single-slope EqualizerRamp®, IntelliSync® ”Smart” suspension system with low-speed OverRise™ function and no lifts or multiple-step entrances. Built like a Champion the Champion LF Transport has unmatched durability.


The LF Transport utilizes Champion's signature commercial bus design with sleek lines and a classic front cap style. A large passenger-side cab window increases the driver's curbside visibility for safe operation at scheduled stops.


The LF Transport offers a range of length options that allow for many variations of floor plan configurations to meet desired seat-to-wheelchair ratios. A 102 inch wide actual flat floor provides a spacious interior for ADA and customer maneuverability. 

For additional information about specific features and options on the LF Transport®, please visit the following links. 

Flexbus Technology Features:

  • IntelliSync Electronically Controlled “Smart” Suspension system - Increased stability and ride quality for all passengers
  • Automatic Self-Leveling - Level floor throughout the passenger compartment regardless of the crown of the road a full kneel and ride height 
  • Equalizer Ramp - Automatically senses the height of the ramp deployment surface and adjusts to equate all sections of the ramp to provide all passengers with the easiest possible single-grade slope accessibility
  • OverRise - The innovative OverRise feature lifts the entire vehicle to 2.5” higher than the OEM ride height at the push of a button 
  • Auxiliary Air Support System - The air suspension system contains an emergency auxiliary air support system, which is separate and independent of the vehicle's main air operating system. 
  • 3.5” LCD Digital display - For Real-Time Ramp / Suspension System Performance & Diagnostics
  • Heavy-duty High-capacity DC Driven Suspension Compressor - Made to kneel at every stop and continuously maintain air pressure. Due to high CFM compression rate, full air system recovery from a full kneeled position to vehicle ride height within 3.5 seconds...Industry’s Best!